There are two sides to everything in life. Whether it’s the idea of good & bad, heaven & hell, or rich & poor; these concepts are not as concrete as we would all like to believe.
a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different
botany: repeated branching into two equal parts
Origin: Greek
Dikho- in two parts
-temnein: to cut —> -tomia: cutting —> -tomy
In all aspects in life there is always a division of two opposing parts. Whether it’s the idea of good & evil, heaven & hell, love & hate, good & bad, etc. All of these concepts are completely subjective though. Nietzsche says, “What first comes to my mind is that, in this theory, the origin of the concept ‘Good’ was mistakenly identified, and thus sought in vain, for the judgment ‘Good’ did not originate among those to whom goodness was shown! Rather it has been ‘good men’ themselves, that is, the noble, the powerful, those of high degree, the high-minded, who have felt that they themselves were good, and that their actions were good….” What can been seen to one person may be seen as bad to another. These conflicts can be seen in life, media, and art.
I took a dichotomy test recently, and it was pretty informative for me. If you are interested in learning more about your internal contrasts, then check out Dichotomy Tests.